We are entering the last ten (10) days of Ramadan with an opportunity to gain multiple rewards by helping those in need. Sadagaat-USA has committed to guaranteeing 4,000 families Ramadan packages that suffice 20,000 individuals that cost $140,000.

Thanks to everyone who donated and volunteered. We have collected $102,318 so far, and with your continuing support, we hope to reach our target of $140,000 by the end of Ramadan.

A Ramadan package consists of:

10 Kg Sugar
10 Kg Corn Flour
10 Kg Wheat Flour
2 Kg Lentils
3 Liters Cooking Oil

Note: Each Ramadan package suffices a family of 5 for the entire month.

Now we are accepting ZakatUlFitr

The estimated cost for the Fidyah is $10 per day and for the Kafarah is $600 per incident ($10 per person for 60 people). Please check with local Imam for information and confirmation.

Zakat UlFitr is estimated at $10 per family member but always check with local Imam for information and confirmation.

Through you, the fabric of goodness is complete in the month of goodness.
Please donate generously.