Ramadan – 2018

A Ramadan package costs $30.

As customary in this blessed month, Sadagaat produces and distributes Ramadan packages; each of which suffices a family of 5 for the entire month. In Sha Allah the goal for this year is 1500 packages with funds for $45,000.

A Ramadan package consists of:

  1. 10 Kg Sugar
  2. 10 Kg Corn Flour
  3. 5 Kg Wheat Flour
  4. 2 Kg Lentils
  5. 2 Kg Lenticular
  6. 1 kg Dates
  7. 3 Liters Cooking Oil 

There is no lower limit for donations. 

Thank you for you support and helping us reach our goal and more. The project is closed for this year.