According to the UN, more than 70 people have been killed and 14,500 homes destroyed by Sudan’s seasonal downpours and floods, and 136,000 people were displaced across 12 states. These numbers are likely to rise.

Sadagaat_USA and US-based organizations, including SAMA, SAPA, Sudan NextGen, and UKANA, are launching an urgent appeal for relief to the people affected by torrential rains and floods in the states of “Nile River – Berber locality” and “Al-Jazeera – Al-Managil locality” and announcing that they will intervene in the provision of shelter aids (tents), safe, clean drinking water services, and health and personal hygiene aids, and sanitization requirements. The Sadagaat organization will implement the project in Sudan. The initial goal is $100,000; please donate generously; every dollar will make a difference.