********** Thank you for trusting us with your Udhiya. We are no longer accepting Udhiya for this year **************

Udhiya for us and for All

Eid Al-Adha is right around the corner! Each year, we are reminded of Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail for the sake of God. Each year, we are reminded of these two profound lessons: that love often requires the willingness to make enormous sacrifice and that we will get tested with the gifts we receive, and rewarded for the gifts we give. 

These blessed days before Eid-Al Adha are a time for us to reflect these lessons into our own lives, to make the sacrifice of slaughtering an animal, and give a portion of it to those who are in need. We make these sacrifices out of love and out of hope that what we receive in return will be blessings and bounties from the Most-Loving and the All-Giving. 

Sadagaat-USA is now offering you the opportunity to make this sacrifice and give the gift of udhiya to people in Sudan. For a small gift of $105, you can buy a share to slaughter a calf (7 shares) and 35 people are fed with your udhiya gift. Calves are chosen since they provide more meat to feed more people.