This Ramadan, with your help and the blessing of Allah (ﷻ), we were able to provide 2 Million Iftar meals. This achievement holds great significance, as it embodies the spirit of generosity and the importance of supporting one another during the holy month of Ramadan.

Each meal served is a step toward alleviating hunger and bringing joy to those who wait patiently through the day to break their fast.

It is through these acts of kindness and your continued support that Sadagaat USA can foster hope and make a substantial impact in the lives of many.

Our collective efforts are crucial in nurturing the bonds of community and reinforcing the values of empathy and care in society. Let’s keep this momentum going and ensure that no one is left without a meal during these times.

Helping Communities

This Ramadan, our efforts expanded across the nation.

An impressive network of 40 central kitchens was established, spanning 8 states and 12 cities, to prepare the 2 million iftar meals we distributed.

This wide-reaching initiative highlights the strength and capacity of our community when we come together with a common purpose. The scale of this operation is not just about numbers—it’s about the communal work that goes into feeding thousands, the dedication of every volunteer, and the kind hearts of our donors.

Each meal prepared in these kitchens represents a beacon of hope and an act of unity, reinforcing the importance of community support during the sacred time of Ramadan. The impact of this undertaking goes beyond nourishment, fostering a spirit of solidarity and compassion throughout the regions we’ve touched.

Join Sadagaat USA in this vital mission—your support helps us to continue making a profound difference in countless lives.

We Make A Difference

With immense gratitude to our community, Sadagaat USA has proudly directed 80% of the donations received during Ramadan, amounting to approximately $600,000, towards providing nourishing iftar meals and support.

Additionally, our commitment to fulfilling the obligations of Zakat Al-Fitr is reflected in the significant contribution of $100,000. This generosity demonstrates the profound impact we can achieve through collective effort and faithful giving. The funds have been instrumental in offering sustenance and support to those in need during the holy month.

Our actions resonate with the core principles of compassion and care that Ramadan teaches us. We thank each donor for their part in this meaningful endeavor and invite you to continue this journey of giving and kindness with Sadagaat USA.