Bringing clean water to Um Rika village – Sudan, Africa

Currently, residents bring their water from Atbara River (3 mils away) carried on animals in old not sanitized old barrel therefore increase the risk of causing health hazard.

Therefore, Sadagaat-USA have just started a project to bring clean fresh water to 8,000 residents of Um Rika village in east Sudan, Africa and their life-stock to reduce the time and effort to access safe clean drinking water.

Most of all, the total cost is about $40,000. Sadagaat-USA goal to engage 800 donors for $50/share (multiple shares are welcomed).

The main noteworthy aspects of the project will include the following:

  • Well drilling 192 feet depth
  • Install submersible pump
  • Install solar system
  • Install GRP water yard 24,000/liters capacity
  • Establish protection fence
  • Water layout Network pipe for human beings / animals

Finally, what a great opportunity for our elementary, middle and high schoolers (to sponsor securing clean water for a person for $50).